On Daughters of the Labyrinth, Greek TV, January 2024
Interview on Daughters of the Labyrinth in Ta Nea,, Athens, October 2023
‘Poet of the Labyrinth’, interview with biographer Ian Collins, Athens Insider, May 2023
Discussion with Rabbi Nicholas de Lange about the fate of the Jews of Crete in the Holocaust, and a reading from Ruth’s novel Daughters of the Labyrinth, in Jewish Book Week London 2022
July 2021, Interview in Writers on Research Ruth Padel on mythology, restoration, and her new novel, Daughters of the Labyrinth
‘The King’s Poet’, Interview with King’s College London students, April 2021
Interview in Publishers Weekly* on Beethoven Variations, March 2021
Interview February 2021, ‘The King’s Poet’ King’s College London Poetry Society.
January 2021 Talk and Questions on Darwin, Beethoven, Life-Writing in Poetry, Vienna University, Austria.
Ruth Padel in conversation with Ilya Kaminsky, Granta, November 2020
Conversation at Jaipur, Hindustan Times, January 2019
Poetic Gems: Ruth Padel’s Tribute to her Mother, Camden New Journal, September 2018
‘An Inconsolable loss’, Mumbai Mirror, Times of India, July 2018
‘A Leaf out of Nature’s Book,’ Mumbai Guide News, July 2018
‘The tiger, the leopard and the elephant are sacred: what’s happening to them?’ Poet Ruth Padel at the Jaipur Festival, Scroll In. February 2017
Interview Podcast, Yale University Radio, September 2018
‘Unravelling Nature’s Tangles: Ruth Padel’s wildlife novel’, The Hindu, August 2010
‘Exploring the Jungle of Life,’ Hampstead & Highgate Express, March 2010
‘What do we know about Ruth Padel?’ The Scotsman Magazine, February 2010
‘The Evolution of Ruth Padel’: The Hindu, India, January 2010
‘Ruth Awakening’, Bangalore Time Out January 2010
‘Remembering Iris Murdoch,’ Sunday Times January 2010
‘A Life in Poetry’, Guardian, May 2009
‘Darwin’s Descendent,’ New York Times, April 2009
The Wolf Poetry Magazine, April 2009
The Glasgow Herald, February 2009
Irish Times, February 2009
Poetry International Web, 2009
On Education, The Independent, 2007
‘Personally Speaking: on Life, Poems and Tigers,’ Sunday Telegraph Magazine, November 2006
‘The Great-Great-Grand-Daughter of Charles Darwin’, Cambridge BBC
‘Rhyme and Reason’, Guardian, September 2006
‘Imagery of the Elsewhere’: 1976-2004. From The “Quote –UnQuote” Newsletter, vol. 14. No. 1 January 2005
Interview with Christina Patterson, July 2004, The Independent
‘In Mexico’: November 2004 at Mexican literary festival, Letras in Golfo
Skopje, 2004: interview with Margaret Graham. translated into Macedonian and published in the magazine Kulturen Zivot. February 2005
The Rialto, 1998